As I sat on a little rock here by the sea, watching how serene the atmosphere is, I recalled what I have been privileged to experience; the story of my true love (the only thing that makes me smile every day till date). This is a story about a Love so sincere and genuine.
Let me spill the beans here; so initially, I was in a relationship that wasn’t really stable then I met a guy at my office; I know you understand what I mean by met… We (office guy and I) connected under funny circumstances; because I hadn’t recovered from the experiences of my marred relationship, I told myself I didn’t want him closer to me. I didn’t want any wahala.
Related: Love or whatever… my love story
So Felix (officer guy) was extremely nice a character, to the extent I thought he was faking it. He understood what I was going through and never forced himself on me. My people, I saw through him that he was interested in me (If you know you know, lol).
After a while, my boyfriend asked for a break up, which I gladly acccpeted cos I wasn’t really happy with him.
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New Beginnings
Let me fast forward to what Felix did when I told him I had finally broken up with my boyfriend. Charlie, it was his chance to show me levels. The smooth guy started by calling me every day and making sure I was doing something good with my time. After few months of getting up close, he became my dad, friend, rival, brother, lover and my everything. Icing on the cake, my mum got really fond of him. With all these sweet gestures, I started liking him too.
On a normal day, not even my parents force me to go past my comfort zone but Felix made me do the unthinkable. For example, he knew things even my diary hadn’t recorded yet. The guy knew me inside out… I couldn’t even hide my emotions from him because he could read right from my voice, facial expressions and shockingly tell what I was thinking anytime I was quiet. It was that bad.
Maybe he’s a mentalist. Just maybe.
So he asked me out and I accepted gladly (I overwanted him in my life wai) and our bond grew stronger and stronger. He was actually the first person on my mind after saying “Good morning Holy Spirit”; the first person to hear my voice in the morning and the last person to speak to me before I sleep.
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My Knight In Shining Armour
At a point in time, my relationship with this guy felt too good to be true. Dude loved me with all my flaws as if he doesn’t have anything else to use his time. I’m sure he never saw them as flaws like I’m putting it mpo. See, this guy got many chances to sleep with me and he just let me go.
He is kind, patient, reliable and also very trustworthy. Naturally, I’m a very reserved about those I open up to. With this partucluar guy, I could tell him every silly thing I did and I felt covered. He taught (and still teaches) me a lot.
As for how he made all my birthdays (for close to three years) very memorable, I dont want to start.
Related: My dad and I
The way I’m describing this guy, I’m sure by now everybody reading would think we got married and lived happily ever after. Sadly, no…
Felix had to move on with his life due to one or two reason, leaving me to assume the friend position. It took close to a year for us to come to terms with this breakup; it was too painful. I wept and still do sometimes.
Eventually, I had to let go of ‘my man’. I was ready to see him happy even when it meant not being directly part of that happy story.
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My Best Three Years
Maybe with me, it didn’t end in marriage… But my life with my most favourite person alive is the best three years of my life on earth. Through these years, he helped me find myself; made sure I was happy doing whatever I plan to do and helped me to see the gift(s) I have.
Today, I can boldly say that I never regretted knowing and loving Felix. He was brought into my life purposely to make me experience what I call “God’s kind of love on earth”. He is my first love, soulmate and true love. We’re still good friends and I’m happy I am still a part of his life; if you’ve ever had true love, you’d understand this line.
I wish everyone gets to experience this kind of love in their lifetime (whether it ends in marriage or not). Lemme stand up and get going. The weather at this seashore is getting too cold. See you on the other side of town.
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True Love Story By An Anonymous Writer
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