
Next Chapter: One of Peace and Inexplicable Joy.

Next Chapter: One of Peace and Inexplicable Joy.

Seeing today is exciting because by the time I shared Chapter 33 with you, I had countless doubts about life and doing it.  Yet today I come bearing scores of thanksgivings and gratitude. It has simply been an amazing ride. One filled with so much adventure. While speaking to a friend a couple of days ago, I said, “I can’t explain how much joy I have in my heart” and I meant that. The place of rest, peace and tranquillity in my life now is inexplicable and I won’t trade it for anything.  

Before you let your mind lose into making wild assumptions, let me just tell you what has led to this disposition.  


The last couple of years aren’t ones I will describe with beautiful vocabulary. They were difficult, painful, tough and in some cases almost unbearable. Every area of my life had a fair share of all of life’s challenges. I was grieved but always kept hope alive, even though from time to time I would look back and be broken.   

Altogether, these past years have been one of transformation and growth. It’s often said that life is a series of lessons, and the lessons I’ve learned along this tumultuous path have been invaluable. They have not only shaped my character but also given me a new perspective on doing life with God. I must primarily say that I have grown to understand the person of God.  

As such, at the beginning of this year, I promised myself a better me, a me that is ready to apply the knowledge of God. I promised myself a me that will let go of the painful past and grab the hem of my master’s garment. A me, that is bold, fit and ready to take on the challenge of the future.  

Dropped ’em all

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the power of letting go. Dwelling on past pains and regrets can be a heavy burden to carry. I’ve realized that to move forward, I need to release the grip of the past. This is not about forgetting or denying the past but rather accepting it as a part of my journey and not allowing it to define my present or future. This decision has brought me a sense of freedom and lightness. I now view the past as a launch pad for higher heights and deeper realms in God.  

Just Do It

Trusting in the divine plan has been pivotal. While it’s natural to plan, I’ve come to understand that there are limits to what I can control. Understanding the wisdom of God has been paramount to building fortitude and trust in God’s plan for my life, even when it seemed uncertain or challenging. This has given me a sense of security. It has been a reminder that there is a greater purpose, and I can rest, fully assured that everything will unfold as it should. Afterall, all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. 

Wholeness in Trust

I’ve learned to trust God wholeheartedly. I have learned to surrender not just the big decisions, but also the everyday moments to His guidance. It’s been unwavering faith that He is always present and looking out for my best interests, so much that in the face of uncertainties, I have a sense of stability and confidence. I now have one resolution, and it’s that God knows the bigger picture and I can’t but trust him to see Him work it all out.   

Intimacy with God

More than just a believe in Him, I’ve developed a deep and continuous relationship with God. It’s not limited to moments of crisis or need, rather it is driven from daily conversations, reflections, gratitude and getting into his Word. This continued relationship gives me a constant source of strength, wisdom, and solace. It’s a reminder that I’m never alone on this journey. 

As I reflect on these, I realize that the challenges of the past were not just trials to endure but opportunities to grow. They have shaped me into the person I am today—someone who is resilient, faith-filled, and open to the infinite possibilities of a Spirit-led-life. Every tear shed, every obstacle overcome, and every moment of doubt has contributed to my growth. I have learnt to draw more closer to God during these times.

The Peace Formula 

Getting here has been difficult yet pragmatic. It has been a constant pursuit of Christ in the scriptures through quiet times and prayer to become rather than to receive.  It has been a conscious effort of allowing the Spirit to permeate my life; to following and heeding to his directions.

Indeed, it hasn’t been easy. There have been days I was tired and weak. Yet, there have been more times of drawing strength from the ‘quickener’ of mortals- God. 

Finally, this simple step by step prayer based on Philippians 4:6-7 has been tremendously helpful. I apply this potion before bed and the first thing when anything wants to steal my peace. It doesn’t guarantee the problem will be fixed immediately, but it always brings God’s peace upon me in ways unimaginable and I recommend it to you: 

1. Thank God for everything you have and are.  

2. Acknowledge that he is King and your only helper.  

3. One-by-one, explicitly present your requests.

4. Give him praise for his faithfulness. 

So, as I step into the future with gratitude, I do so with a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. I embrace each day as a gift, knowing that it is an opportunity to live out these lessons and to continue growing in faith, trust, and love. Life’s journey is far from over, but with these etched in my heart, I face it with unwavering hope and joy.  

Post by Nana Yaw Nhyira Butah

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